Review: figma 004: Kyon

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Due to unforseen circumstances (dad’s birthday dinner last night ran a bit longer than I thought it would) I wasn’t able to give you a daily figma review last night. Sorry about that. Therefore, in order to rectify the situation, I will post some figure reviews after I take care (accutane) of Kyon’s review right now.

Here’s Kyon. As you amoxil can see here, he comes with the usual set of ‘Haruhi figma’ accessories, including the three joint stand and base, left and right labeled indoor shoes for first year students, and a slightly larger set of figma hands (since he’s a guy, the dainty female hands simply won’t do!) In addition, Kyon comes with an extra right hand with a camera for filming. He also comes with a ‘yare yare’ face. Pretty much the same number of accessories that Haruhi comes with, except Haruhi came with an extra face. Yare yare daze…

Pros: Kyon’s pretty flexible, able to be positioned in any feasible (and naughty) pose you can imagine. His jacket is open, so he doesn’t have the same problem Koizumi has, where his jacket keeps opening and you can’t quite get it shut unless you superglue the flaps together =(

Cons: Accessories. Granted, Kyon doesn’t really interact with many things to warrant more accessories than he comes with, but perhaps at least a SOS-dan room table or costume rack or something would add to the purchase price here. Maybe even the fridge! Oh well, maybe it’s because Kyon’s a guy that he doesn’t get the same treatment than the figma girls.

Kyon sells for roughly $25-$30 around the net. If you absolutely have to have the entire SOS-dan, then you should probably pick him up. However, I personally think this figma should’ve been sold with a lower price point since it doesn’t have as many features as other figmas.

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