2 Year Anniversary

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It’s a little sad for my one year and 2 year anniversary posts appearing on the front page of this blog. To be honest I’ve been super depressed that I haven’t still been able to get a job that I pretty much stopped blogging altogether, even though I still have plenty of new figmas to review yet… including but not limited to all 5 HTT members and Black ★ Rock Shooter. I definitely plan to add more photos and reviews to the site, as well as other things, but my priority these days has been to find work. I have to apologize to whoever comes across this blog hoping to see newer figmas reviewed, it’s just that my life has sucked since last November >< I’m hoping to get some sort of work soon so that I can bring up my mood and start blogging proper again. In the meantime, I want to thank all of you who continue to visit, even though there isn’t any new content. Hopefully soon I can resume my blogging and bring reviews of more recent figmas.

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